EFR FIRE & SAFETY is now offering you the most technologically advanced Escape Hood Respirator on the market today!
Now, you can be assured that you and employees have the best chance for escape from a terrorist situation, natural disaster, or industrial accident with this cost-effective American-Certified Hood/Mask Escape Respirator.
The iEvac Protects Against.... Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen Sulfide Additional Toxic Gases: sarin, smoke, hydrogen cyanide, chlorine, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, tear gas, OC, and more Harmful Particulates: soot, fumes, aerosols, and others Contains a HEPA P100 filter that removes sub-micron particles such as Virus Particles, like, Corona Virus, Ebola, Anthrax, Ricin, Smallpox, and Radioactive Particles Life-Threatening Physical Hazards: flammability and radiant heat |
NOW ONLY $189.99
*Plus shipping, handling & tax
CALL TO ORDER: 708-479-1889 or Pay Securely through PayPal
*Plus shipping, handling & tax
CALL TO ORDER: 708-479-1889 or Pay Securely through PayPal
- Maintenance-free
- At 9.5 in. (240mm) can withstand up to 1700°F (927°C) in radiant heat
- Dual filters for easier breathing
- Improved field of view compared with single filter in front
- Hood is a clear material resulting in an unobstructed field of view
- High visibility reflective strips for easy recognition
- Highest level of protection maintained by silicone neck dam
- Protects lungs, head, eyes, and face
- Can be used with eyeglasses, beards, and long hair
- Packaged in puncture-proof and waterproof laminate barrier
- Quick and easy donning
- Latex-free
- One universal size
The first and only hood Certified to the American National Standard for Smoke Escape Devices – Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Device (RPED).
iEvac® Smoke/Fire Hood
iEvac® is the only Smoke/Fire Hood certified to the American Standard ASTM E2952-14. In addition, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated the iEvac® as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology.
iEvac® is the only Smoke/Fire Hood certified to the American Standard ASTM E2952-14. In addition, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated the iEvac® as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology.
iEvac is currently being used nationwide by federal, state, local government agencies, all branches of the military, Fortune 500 companies, transit authorities, sporting arenas, marine, aviation, hospitals, homeowners and more.
iEvac has also achieved overwhelming acceptance internationally for its groundbreaking technological advantages and is currently being used in over 40 countries.
iEvac has also achieved overwhelming acceptance internationally for its groundbreaking technological advantages and is currently being used in over 40 countries.
Why do employees need respirators?
When employees must work in environments with insufficient oxygen or where harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, fumes, gases, vapors, or sprays are present, they need respirators. These health hazards may cause cancer, lung impairment, other diseases, or death.
Where toxic substances are present in the workplace and engineering controls are inadequate to reduce or eliminate them, respirators are necessary. Some atmosphere-supplying respirators can also be used to protect against oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Increased breathing rates, accelerated heartbeat, and impaired thinking or coordination occur more quickly in an oxygen-deficient or other hazardous atmosphere. Even a momentary loss of coordination can be devastating if it occurs while a worker is performing a potentially dangerous activity such as climbing a ladder.
When do employees need to wear respirators?
Employees need to wear respirators whenever engineering and work practice control measures are not adequate to prevent atmospheric contamination at the worksite. Strategies for preventing atmospheric contamination may include enclosing or confining the contaminant-producing operation, exhausting the contaminant, or substituting with less toxic materials.
Respirators have their limitations and are not a substitute for effective engineering and work practice controls. When it is not possible to use these controls to reduce airborne contaminants below their occupational exposure levels, such as during certain maintenance and repair operations, emergencies, or when engineering controls are being installed, respirator use may be the best or only way to reduce worker exposure. In other cases, where work practices and engineering controls alone cannot reduce exposure levels to below the occupational exposure level, respirator use is essential.
Where respirators are required to protect worker health, specific procedures are necessary to ensure the equipment's effectiveness.
How much does the iEvac® weigh?
• 1.5 lbs in the vacuum sealed package
• 1.4 lbs in ready-to-use configuration
Will the hood material melt on my face?
• The iEvac® Hood can withstand up to 1700° F of radiant heat.
Will I be able to hear emergency personnel through the iEvac® hood?
• Yes, you will be able to hear them speak and they will hear you too.
How will emergency personnel find me if the power is affected and the lights are off?
• The iEvac® Hood has high visibility reflective strips for easy recognition.
Will the hood fit over long hair and glasses?
• Yes, the iEvac® hood will fit over long hair, glasses, and beards.
• One Universal Size
Is the iEvac® difficult to put on?
• No, the iEvac® dons in less than 30 seconds.
What seals out harmful toxins?
• The iEvac® has a silicone neck dam which provides the highest level of protection.
Will I be able to see where I’m walking while evacuating?
• Yes, the iEvac® Hood is a clear material resulting in an unobstructed field of view.
Will I be able to breathe comfortably while evacuating?
• The iEvac® Hood has twin cartridges for easier breathing.
• The iEvac® Hood will provide up to 45 minutes for a safe evacuation from carbon monoxide.
Is there any equipment maintenance required?
• No, the iEvac® is maintenance free.
How much time will I have to evacuate from an emergency situation?
• The iEvac® will provide 30 minutes or more to safely evacuate away from a life threatening emergency
What is the shelf life of the iEvac® Smoke/Fire Hood?
• The iEvac® has a 5- year shelf life from date of manufacture.